What makes intercultural study visits meaningful? A look at the pedagogy of study visit experiences. 2017

Sahi, I. (2017). What makes intercultural study visits meaningful? A look at the Pedagogy of study visit experiences. In Catlin, S. (2017) 'Reflections on Primary Geography. The register for research in Primary Geography.

Imo has always been a pedagogist ("enquiry, enquiry"!!) and this year her work was published as a chapter in a book, much to her absolute delight. This was the result of a few years of research using our visiting teachers and students as an empirical study group. Imo presented her research as a paper during a fascinating research conference at Charney Manor that she attended earlier in the year, and the paper formed an chapter in the book edited by the wonderful Simon Catlin. Thankyou to all of you for responding to the surveys and for being so reflective with your interesting replies. Happy to share the chapter if anyone wants to see it! XX


Going global - keeping it real! The danger of the Single Story. Geographical Association Conference workshop April 2018


Wide World Article- Bangalore. Problems of a rapidly expanding city. Addressing the challenges of a developing city. Jane Ferretti and Kiran Sahi.