Stereotypes- To affirm or to break? Charney Manor conference presentation 2018

Stereotypes- To affirm or to break? Or…Thinking through the imprint/ Beyond the hashtag/ Skills to survive and conquer the stereotype….

A conference presentation and personal reflection. Imogen Sahi February 2018.

Charney manor is an annual Primary Geography Conference run by members of the Primary Geography Special Interest group of the Geographical Association. In 2018 Imo was asked to present, and the topic that she chose was about Stereotypes. Her work bumps her up against the Stereotype constantly, in geography teaching and when visitors visit another country. Her talk and presentation examined the importance of the Stereotype in processing and understanding the world around us, and questioned to what extent these imprinted understandings should be affirmed or broken. Happy to share the ppt with anyone who would like to see it!


Only Connect- Charney Manor 2019 conference presentation. February 2019.


The Birds of South India. RSPB presentations. Kiran Sahi 2017 and 2018