The Birds of South India. RSPB presentations. Kiran Sahi 2017 and 2018

Kiran’s love of birds and particularly the bird life of India is infectious, and in the Autumn of 2017 and 2018 he was delighted to be asked to present to local groups of the RSPB in Somerset and Devon UK, to share his knowledge of the huge fecundity and diversity of the bird life of South India, and his images taken personally over the last ten years, and from the birding tours that we run. Please do be in touch if you would like to hear more about the birds of India, and to hear about the birding tours that we will be planning.


Stereotypes- To affirm or to break? Charney Manor conference presentation 2018


Going global - keeping it real! The danger of the Single Story. Geographical Association Conference workshop April 2018